He (Noah) drank of the wine and
became drunk and lay uncovered in his tent.
over 600 years old, decides to sleep commando-style after getting drunk off his own
vineyard’s stock. The only man God saw
righteous enough (6:8-9)(7:1)(2Peter2:5)to not commit genocide on (sorry, judgment), sleeping in the half-millennial buff drunk off his
youngest son, Ham, later discovered his father’s condition and told his two
older brothers about it. (v23)Not wanting to
suffer the sight of ollllld plumbing swinging
in the breeze, Shem and Japeth covered up dear old dad with a garment
(someone’s least favorite robe, I’m
soon “awoke from his wine” and, upon noticing the tacky Def Leppard jacket
covering his ancient privates, cursed his youngest son and proclaimed a
blessing upon the two eldest.
“Ham, for
looking upon my old man balls, you shall be a servant of servants to your
“Shem, Japeth, for concealing
my old man balls, blessed be the Lord and may your brother be your servant!”
(FUN FACT: verse 25 was brought up sometimes as one of the holy stamps of approval for slavery throughout American history. Why? ..excellent question!)
(FUN FACT: verse 25 was brought up sometimes as one of the holy stamps of approval for slavery throughout American history. Why? ..excellent question!)
Noah upset that his son saw his
wrinkly equipment or was it that Ham told
his other brothers? I hope I’m never in
the position to be able to report to my brothers, “hey, dad’s blackout drunk in
his room… … … totally naked.”

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